License conditions This computer programme is protected by all laws and international agreements applicable. Unauthorized copying or distribution of this programme or part of it is strictly prohibited. By downloading this software you agree in using this programme by BaLoH Software under the following license conditions. The software itself remains under the ownership of the programmers of former BaLoH Software. The programmers are kept to an adequate and correct functioning of this programme, within reasonable limits, for the system configuration as indicated and present at download. However, correct operation under all possible circumstances cannot be guaranteed. In particular, any further accountability or accountability for secondary damage is explicitly denied. The software is free of charge but only if the full package is downloaded from the current website or redistributed as stated below. Without explicit written consent by the stakeholders of this BaLoH Software site, it is forbidden to modify, resell, rent or otherwise make the software available to third parties under payment. Copies of this programme may be freely distributed provided that all accompanying files are included in unaltered form. This license file is explicitly included in the list of accompanying files. However, copies of the accompanying documentation can freely be redistributed but only if unaltered and together with this license file. Results obtained with this software may be used freely and published anywhere, provided it is explicitly stated that the results were obtained using this program. BaLoH Software 2023